Digital Transformation of Vocational Education for a Sustainable Society

Nowadays, the technical profession is facing many problems, including emphasizing academics over technical skills.

This has led to a gap between education and utilization as well as an insufficient supply of talent,

digital technology is one of the ways to solve these problems.

We need to come up with innovative applications of digital technology so that teachers and students can develop self-directed learning and 5C abilities.

The EVERC Annual International Conference is dedicated to improving the current situation by inviting famous experts and scholars in the field of education from Korea, Thailand, South Africa, and local countries to share their experiences and research in the field of education and to discuss the future of digitization of technical and vocational education. The core of the conference is how to integrate innovative technology with education practice and provide a new direction for the digitization of technical and vocational education.

🚀Exploring New Areas of Digital Education

Experts will share the latest developments in digital education, including the experience of adaptive digital learning and innovative education in Korea, and discuss how to enhance students' sustainable employability.

🌐Embrace Technology, Open the Future

We also focus on the innovative use of educational robots and how STEM and entrepreneurship can foster creativity and problem-solving while looking at emerging technologies such as metaverse counseling. Learn how these technologies are creating new ways of learning and teaching in education.

🎓 Unlocking Potential: Students Competitions

To stimulate creativity and practice, after each day's presentations, students and academics will engage in a round table discussion to discuss relevant issues and stimulate innovative thinking. On the last day of the Student Competition, students will compete in a knowledge contest and try to come up with innovative ideas for education.

🎉 This is an excellent opportunity to promote learning, broaden your horizons,    and expand your connections.

Date:2023.11.28(二) ~ 2023.12.01(五), Free Admission!


LocationNTUST RB102、RB101