Utilizing high-motivation strategies to promote learners' transfer of learning, such as gamification mechanisms, contextual learning, and flow-oriented game activities.

It can directly solve the current gap between education and industry in terms of learning and utilization.  

The project focuses on gamification learning research with the aim of bridging education and industry. Through technology-assisted teaching strategies, enhance the workplace competencies and technological literacy of students including developing relevant courses, industry cooperation, and technology-assisted scaffolding mechanisms.

Cultivating core competencies in students, encompass problem-solving, decision-making, strategic planning, analytical thinking, interdisciplinary coordination, creativity, respect for difference, international perspectives, flexible communication, coordination, leadership, and technological literacy for workplace problem-solving.

We have planned the following programs for NTUST and the cooperating technical high schools, both on and off campus:

「NTUSTMEG Workplace CCEG」Conference

侯惠澤老師 x Mini Educational Game group x EVERC

The conference focuses on core game experiences,multi-dimensional scaffolding educational game design, and industry cooperation exchanges. The MEG Team will lead an exploration of innovative educational game applications and share successful research outcomes.

LocationIB conference room and IB4F classroom, NTUST



Cultivate students’ core workplace literacy 

Organization of annual high schools ''Creation of Practical Skills'' practical course, practical observation, and presentation.

The annual national exchange conference is held every year with hundreds of participants from different schools.

Industry cooperation - integrating workplace skills and subject area learning

Through industry cooperation, develop teaching tools for gamification and highly motivated workplace training mechanisms, and apply them to the manufacturing industry.